
FIRST WEEK (23/6-28/6)

Saverio Moroni (SM):
2 lectures: Introduction to MC methods, VMC, projector QMC (Bosons, Fermions) at T=0
1 or 2 tutorials: basic MC methods, VMC/DMC

Alice Sinatra (AS):
2 lectures: Gross-Pitaevskii, classical field theory, 1 tutorial

Stefan Wessel (SW):
2 lectures: QMC lattice methods, 1 tutorial

Philipp Werner (PW):
2 lectures: DMFT, 1 tutorial

Massimo Boninsegni (MB):
1 lecture: Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of continuous system at finite temperature:
the Worm Algorithm

Isabelle Bouchoule (IB):
1 lecture: experiments

SECOND WEEK (30/6-4/7)

Corinna Kollath (CK):
2 lectures: DMRG, 1 tutorial

Andreas Läuchli (AL):
2 lectures: Exact diagonalization, 1 tutorial

Lode Pollet (LP):
2 lectures: Path-Integral Monte Carlo, 1 tutorial

Boris Svistunov (BS):
2 lectures: Diagrammatic Monte Carlo, 1 tutorial

Roman Orus (RO):
1 lecture: Tensor network algorithms

Walter Hofstetter (WH):
1 lecture: DMFT simulations for strongly correlated quantum gases

Stefano Giorgini (SG):
1 lecture: Applications of QMC methods to ultracold gases: the unitary Fermi gas and systems with dipolar interactions

David Ceperley (DC):
1 lecture: Fermions at finite temperature

Leticia Taruell (LT):
1 lecture: experiments

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